Conceptueel kunstenaar zoekt werk
Format: Advertisement in Newspaper – Gazet van Antwerpen
Date: 25 May 2018
Dimensions: 432 by 279 mm
Edition: 115,000
Conceptual Artist Seeks Work
Format: Advertisement in Newspaper – ‘Jobs Wanted’
Date: 12 July 2015
Dimensions: 432 mm x 280mm
Edition: 200,000
“In ‘Conceptual Artist Seeks Work’, Doherty placed an advertisement in the ‘jobs wanted’ section of a local newspaper, the BZ-Berliner Kurier. With a strong sense of irony, the artist states that he has the skills, knowledge and experience to offer perhaps the very highest ideals any artist could hope for in their life or with their work. By using a medium of mass culture (a tabloid newspaper) Doherty seeks to bring to a wider audience questions normally considered only in high culture, such as the role and function of art and the artist in today’s society. Reflecting on the idealistic notions and paradoxical circumstances of the contemporary artist, his statements continue to ask these questions of each beholder who encounters them.”
Exhibition Press Release Text: MAKEARTHISTORY, Manière Noire, Berlin